The VitalSource Resource

What Learners Want

Written by Allison Hart | Jul 12, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Many people profess a nostalgic affinity for the print book. For them reading is a tactile experience and the notion of turning the physical page is part of that experience. Even as we move to a more digitally centric culture, there is still this pervasive notion of cuddling up and becoming engrossed in a good novel.

I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone say the same about their professional training materials or carries the same level of nostalgia. They want more than what decidedly inferior print offers.

So what are today’s learners looking for?

They want training content to be as concise and interactive as possible. ‘Nice to know’ content should be avoided. Gamification, microlearning and interactive features provide the ability to check progress and mix in different types of multimedia models and video. Engagement is key in an environment rife with distractions and other priorities. Your training content should allow them to pick out the relevant content they need, interact with it, learn and then move on to the next thing on their to-do list.

To learn more about the trends and benefits to digital content, download “The New Training Content Paradigm”.