Bookshelf delivers academic freedom with over 1.5 million titles in the most extensive catalogue of etexts and courseware, and now a new feature—Bookshelf CoachMe®—provides free embedded practice with immediate feedback in a low-stakes, confidence-boosting environment.
Bookshelf is packed with learning power. Learners have all their reading and study materials in one place with highlights and notes, flashcards, workbook, Bookshelf CoachMe formative practice, and more, right in the Bookshelf etext. Learners have full content controls, with dark mode, margin sizes, and fonts, including open dyslexic, as well as read aloud, search, and full offline access. Students study anywhere, anytime with Bookshelf.
With Immersive Reader, Bookshelf gives you the flexibility to create precise, custom learning experiences. Easily embed etext content into your existing, branded courseware and platforms in a matter of days. Learners get instant access to customised sections of Bookshelf content.
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