Campus Retailers

Course materials solutions that work your way.
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Innovative and flexible course materials solutions.

Course materials are an important front door experience for your students. Provide seamless and affordable access to course materials, so students can focus on what really matters: learning. 

Flexible Access, Equitable Access, Inclusive Access, or Virtual store, our selection of delivery models allows you to customize the program best suited to your campus and delivered on the platform you’ve come to know and trust. You know your campus; we know course materials delivery. Let’s work together to make it exceptional. 

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30 Years of Industry Leadership

Supporting campus retailers and their students with the reliability, expertise, and service the industry knows and trusts.
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Institutions Served 

Forward thinking stores are elevating the course materials experience. 

With innovative course materials management, campus stores throughout the world are achieving impactful results for their institutions. Our partners share detailed insights into the strategies, tools, and techniques that have allowed them to reach their goals, put affordable course materials into the hands of their students and give back totheir campus. Whether you're looking for inspiration, lessons learned or practical examples, these real-world stories offer valuable takeaways regardless of management model or institution size.

Providing a Digital-First, Student-Centered Future

Learn how App State, the 2021 Excellence in Course Materials Management Award winner built off the foundation of a successful, long-standing rental program and modernized course materials delivery for its students with Equitable Access (EA).
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Forward thinking institutions are elevating the course materials experience.

Learn how Navarro College’s journey with Immediate Access had a transformative impact on their campus and won the 2024 1EdTech Learning Impact Gold Award.
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Bookstore of the Future

RIT embarked on a mission to transform its campus bookstore experience. The “Bookstore of the Future” project aimed to address declining adoption rates and boost student preparedness. By separating course materials from merchandise, RIT could provide students with affordable course materials while increasing profits. Read more about how this technology-forward approach aligned with RIT’s reputation and met students’ evolving needs. 
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Known for Technology 

Universitas Bina Nusantara are known for their innovative use of systems and technology, so when they were faced with the challenges of providing eBooks seamlessly to their students, they collaborated with trusted partner, VitalSource, for a solution. Now, they can easily deliver content from multiple publishers all through their LMS with one simple integration. 
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Course Materials Management

One Platform, Flexible Service Options


Ideal for the campus store looking to independently manage all aspects of its course materials program using VitalSource tools with full access to our top-tier Customer Success Team.

Collaborative Management

Ideal for the campus store in need of transitional or team support. The store collaborates with VitalSource adoption and/or access program specialists for assistance managing its course materials program using VitalSource tools.

Virtual Management

Ideal for the campus store seeking a primarily virtual course materials experience. Often referred to as a hybrid model, the campus continues to run the physical store on campus and the course materials experience is powered and managed by VitalSource.

VitalSource Powers the Higher Education Content Management Lifecycle

Supporting the course materials life cycle from program discovery to assessment 
Higher Education Content Management Lifecycle Animated infographic detailing the VitalSource higher education content management lifecycle.

Your Relevant Platforms and Capabilities

These digital solutions have been selected as the most relevant to address your needs. Not what you’re looking for? Check out our Learning Platforms, Content Management, Insights and Analytics, and Library Solutions pages.

Let’s Build the Right Course Materials Strategy for Your Campus

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