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September 14, 2022 • 1 minute read
By: Mike Hale, Ph.D., Chief Learning and Content Officer

VitalSource has long been committed to increasing student success through easy access to affordable content. We also believe that if you can, you must improve learning for students and expand educational opportunities for all learners. Of course, we are not alone in this view and it is the reason many companies have built assessment-rich course materials. 


VitalSource’s ongoing commitment to accessibility

October 18, 2019 • 1 minute read

Since the conception of VitalSource, accessibility has been something we've held with utmost importance, but it's also something we know can always be improved upon.


What does it mean for an eTextbook to be accessible?

September 9, 2019 • 1 minute read

In the ever-changing landscapes of digital learning, accessibility, and higher education, it can seem a daunting prospect to stay on top of it all.


Introducing our new support site for instructors

August 26, 2019 • 1 minute read

Welcome back to campus! The start of fall semester is an exciting time for students as they enter campus life, meet new instructors, and settle into new routines. For some, it can...


What is web accessibility and why does it matter?

August 21, 2019 • 1 minute read

Accessibility is an issue that is becoming more and more prevalent in the modern world, with new technologies presenting new challenges. But what do we mean when we talk about...


How VitalSource can help you remix OER content

July 24, 2019 • 1 minute read

The most exciting aspect of OER comes once you have made the decision to adopt it and selected your content provider(s). Whether you choose to go with OpenStax, MERLOT, or a...


Update for Cengage Unlimited and Cengage Brain users

June 28, 2019 • 1 minute read

Some users may have noticed that starting today, June 28, 2019, Cengage has made the decision to use an internal Cengage eReader for all US-based Cengage Unlimited and Cengage...


What is OER and how does it differ from open access?

May 31, 2019 • 1 minute read

In 2002, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) first adopted the term open educational resources (OER), setting the scene for the learning...

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Tips for a successful Inclusive Access program

May 23, 2019 • 2 minute read

Course materials formats and models are changing rapidly, and this means the store role is changing as well. With each passing term, stores tell us how they’re more deeply...

VitalSource's Launch is the first content delivery tool to be LTI Advantage compliant

April 8, 2019 • 1 minute read

VitalSource has long leveraged LTI® to provide students with access to their course materials. LTI enables us to deliver content seamlessly to millions of students and faculty...

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Colorado State University: A shrinking footprint but a growing impact

April 8, 2019 • 2 minute read

What do you get when you combine a declining retail footprint, reduced retail margin on thousands of materials, and lower prices? Would you believe the answer is more affordable...


Bookshelf Explore: Embracing the subscription economy

April 5, 2019 • 1 minute read

Supplying institutions with content in an increasingly diverse and competitive marketplace requires innovative and creative solutions. VitalSource helps publishers reach new...


Transparency that Empowers

March 13, 2019 • 2 minute read

For years, I have highlighted VitalSource’s goals for accessible content. Today, I'm very excited to share that, through thoughtful partnerships and collaboration with many...

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