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books on a shelf icon

September 14, 2022 • 1 minute read
By: Mike Hale, Ph.D., Chief Learning and Content Officer

VitalSource has long been committed to increasing student success through easy access to affordable content. We also believe that if you can, you must improve learning for students and expand educational opportunities for all learners. Of course, we are not alone in this view and it is the reason many companies have built assessment-rich course materials. 


Wikipedia look up now available on Bookshelf

February 3, 2017 • 2 minute read

When I was in school, I remember using World Book Encyclopedias when I wanted to do a quick browse on a topic. Over the years, with encycopedias moving online, this habit has...

US_Blog_950_campus stores

Hinds Community College and VitalSource Access

December 12, 2016 • 1 minute read

Last month, our own Mike Hale wrote about course-fee models as the way to ensure all college students had their required course materials on or before the first day of classes. As...


Accessibility & VitalSource - Part 2

November 10, 2016 • 3 minute read

There is a minimum anyone in the ed-tech space must do around accessibility to even be considered relevant. Adding to this minimum, there is an increased expectation of what every...


Accessibility & VitalSource - Part I

October 31, 2016 • 2 minute read

When you have a platform that delivers content to several million users each year, it is critically important that every user can get access when they need it. Whether it is ...


What would happen if learning materials were provided to all students on or before the first day of class? Part II

October 20, 2016 • 2 minute read

Part 2 of 2: The SolutionPreviously we discussed why course materials pricing had increases well beyond inflation, and why the dynamics of this market has hurt student success. If...


What would happen if learning materials were provided to all students on or before the first day of class? Part 1

October 10, 2016 • 3 minute read

Part 1 of 2: Why doesn’t this happen?If all required learning materials, including textbooks, were provided to all students on or before the first day of class, the average price...


What's New with VitalSource Bookshelf

October 3, 2016 • 2 minute read

Here’s hoping everyone is having a great start to the 2016-17 school year!At VitalSource we are committed to ensuring every student has the tools needed to be successful. As...


Students Prefer Interactive Study Tools Over Traditional

September 22, 2016 • 2 minute read

Editor’s Note: This is the third of three posts on VitalSource’s recent study conducted by Wakefield Research.Even as students are growing more disappointed with the state of...


Students Delaying or Avoiding Course Material Purchases; Grades Suffer as a Result

September 15, 2016 • 1 minute read

Editor’s Note: This is the second of three posts on a recently-conducted research study commissioned by VitalSource.At VitalSource, it is important for us to understand the wants,...

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