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books on a shelf icon

September 14, 2022 • 1 minute read
By: Mike Hale, Ph.D., Chief Learning and Content Officer

VitalSource has long been committed to increasing student success through easy access to affordable content. We also believe that if you can, you must improve learning for students and expand educational opportunities for all learners. Of course, we are not alone in this view and it is the reason many companies have built assessment-rich course materials. 


New for 2018: Flashcards!

January 2, 2018 • 1 minute read

As a new year begins, the Bookshelf Online team has been reflecting on our goal of creating the best study center possible for our users. During 2017, we took our reader and added...


Easy access to digital tools to support student success

December 21, 2017 • 1 minute read

As a father or two young boys, I recently attended parent-teacher conferences where my children went through stations showing their recent work. When we reached the computer...

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Add Content to Your Course with One Click

November 15, 2017 • 1 minute read

VitalSource is committed to day-one success for faculty and students. In an earlier post we wrote about how to set your course up to facilitate this success (and hosted a webinar...


Accessibility in higher ed requires all hands on-deck

November 9, 2017 • 1 minute read

This post appeared in its entirety in eCampus News. The accessibility of learning content is undergoing a dramatic change right now. This change is being built upon existing...


The value of Bookshelf: A student perspective

October 31, 2017 • 1 minute read

As an undergrad, I went to a public university and, like most students, heavily relied on textbooks to complete and be successful in my studies. Early in my academic career, I...


Navigating the road to maturity

October 18, 2017 • 1 minute read

In previous blogs, I wrote about the importance of a digital professional learning program and aspects that made a program “mature.” But that still leaves the question of how to...


Meeting the needs of today's student

October 10, 2017 • 2 minute read

This post appeared in its entirety in University Business. There is no doubt that today we live in a digital age, with our lives seemingly governed by the provision of connected,...


On the road to digital maturity

October 4, 2017 • 1 minute read

Today’s learner is much different than the one we saw just a few years ago. It goes without saying they are much more digitally inclined and device dependent. In fact, recent...

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Set your students up for day-one success!

September 27, 2017 • 2 minute read

The process of preparing for the semester is daunting.It’s stressful figuring out how to get students to get the most from your course, usually accompanied by flipping through an...


eBooks changed my life. No, really.

September 22, 2017 • 1 minute read

Remember the fun of going to the library and picking out books when you were a kid, or spending a relaxing afternoon browsing your favorite bookstore? I don’t. I’ve been legally...


To buy or not to buy: the student course material quandary

September 19, 2017 • 1 minute read

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, enrollment in two- and four-year degree-granting programs rose from 13.2 to 17 million students (an increase of 30...

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University of Missouri System taking great strides toward access, affordability

September 12, 2017 • 1 minute read

One of the best things about my job is being able to go out and meet the faculty and administrators who are working to ensure all students have access to affordable course...

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